5 Reasons To Continue Celebrating The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Are you one of the types of people who move on to other things after Easter Sunday? The big day is over – family & food celebrated, special music and church service attended, eggs collected, attendance numbers elevated, and cards exchanged. Whew! It’s done! Yesterday was great. Now what?
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Sadly, the one time and place designated to an ongoing celebration of Christ’s resurrection is church on Sunday. Yet, I doubt that any evangelical-protestant church will mention the resurrection next Sunday. It’s over. We move on.
It doesn’t seem right, does it?
5 reasons to keep celebrating and living the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
- Apostles: those who knew the resurrection (apostles, women, other disciples), lived the resurrection. The resurrection was at the core of their life and message of Jesus to others.
- Sunday: a gift given to celebrate the resurrection. Prepare yourself weekly in repentance and anticipation. Then celebrate on Sunday.
- Creation: every thing and every person is an indication of the life of God celebrated at Easter. When you experience the abundant life surrounding you and in you and others, you come alive. You experience this with babies – infants/children, puppies, kittens. Or springtime. New life awakens life.
- Life: your present life in Christ depends on it. “For if we have been united with him [in baptism] in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his” (Romans 6.5). You deal with sin and live in Christ only as you live in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Death: so you will not fear death. “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive…the last enemy to be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15.21 – 26). Jesus is the resurrection and the life. United to Him, you have no fear of death since it has been destroyed and since he is your life.
To celebrate is to observe, mark, or keep an important event or occasion. Is there any more important event than the God-man crucified and dead, coming back to life?
He is the resurrection and the life. He is to be celebrated every moment of every day.
Jesus Christ is Easter. Celebrate today like you did yesterday. And, celebrate tomorrow like you did today. Keep going. Never stop.
How will you celebrate Easter today…and tomorrow? Share below.
Dr. K