The Most Profound Sentences I’ve Read This Year

Keith KettenringChristian Living, Motley Christian, The Uncommon Journey

Our Sunday night, meeting once-a-month, men’s group is reading The Eucharist written by Alexander Schmemann, a professor of Liturgical Theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary. He’s an excellent lecturer, prolific writer, and a true pastor. You can tell by his writings his deep love for truth and for the Truth. I was cruising along in my reading while sitting on … Read More

Not Feelin’ Much Like A Christian Today

Keith KettenringChristian Living, Motley Christian

I’m not feeling very Christian today. I actually oversleep 20 minutes this morning which is an indication that I need extra sleep – probably due to ramped-up work outs and a little, minor basal cell carcinoma removal that took place Monday. All is good as I spend time with the Trinity in quiet solitude and prayer. I am feeling pretty … Read More

I Gotta Fever…And the Only Prescription is More __________________ (fill in the blank!)

Keith KettenringChristian Living, Fun Stuff, Motley Christian

Christians are funny creatures. We think we’ve found everything we need in Jesus. But then, we clamor for one idea after another thinking it will bring fulfillment to our lives. We should be satisfied with all the Triune God is and supplies to us. But we are not. Following what other’s say we need to do, we become confused by … Read More

Mercy & Me

Keith KettenringBible Stuff, Christian Living, Motley Christian

Since the day the humble tax collector cried, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” the faithful in Christ have been doing the same. There are plenty of reasons to regularly pray, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” But, I’ll limit it to three: 1. It is a practical way to “pray without ceasing.” … Read More

Imperfection and Sin Are the Doors to Mercy

Keith KettenringChristian Living, Motley Christian

How to Be a Sinner (Dr. Peter Bouteneff) is the most significant book I’ll read this year. The title intrigues me. The content stirs my soul to a better understanding and experience of knowing God as an “unworthy servant.” For decades I’ve wrestled with the issue of sin in light of God’s love and mercy, forgiveness and acceptance. I know I … Read More

Motley Christian Has A New Home

Keith KettenringMotley Christian

I am excited to announce that our new website has launched. Whoo hoo!! One month of planning and two months of development have resulted in a beautiful and simple site. Here’s what’s behind the new site — We have one website that includes three aspects of what we do. Yes, three in one! Here are some reasons for the change: … Read More

Salvation & Eternal Life is a Lifetime Commitment

Keith KettenringChristian Living, Motley Christian

Recently I had this thought: Salvation may occur in a moment, but it takes a lifetime to become a Christian. When we come to faith in Christ, do we instantly become godly, righteous, and sinless? Of course not. Some people try to convince us that our “in Christ” life means we are given Christ’s righteousness and are therefore actually righteous. … Read More

Our Need to Desperately Cry for Daddy

Keith KettenringChristian Living, God, Motley Christian

A few weeks ago we hosted two families who were meeting at our place for a weekend get together. They were good friends who ended up taking jobs in different areas of the Southeast but enjoyed getting together once a year to catch up. They both had young children who enjoyed the pool and the kids from the other family. … Read More