8 Amazing Results of Being Possessed by Eternal Life
Why am I so passionate about “eternal life?” Because if I live in its reality, then everything…and I mean everything… in my life radically alters and transforms. This is the kind of revolutionary conversion my miserable flesh and mind cries out for. I need what only the life of the Father and Son by the Spirit can do. Enough of the ineffective bandaid approaches! Give me Life! Are you with me?
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Are you able to believe the concept of eternal life as God actively living in you? Great! Now, begin doing what you can to live it. Thinking about electricity is not the same as learning how to let it make a difference in your home. God makes His Life available so you can experience it.
Personal Beginnings
So, when I sit in quiet solitude knowing the stirring of God’s life in me, I experience a little taste of eternal life now. When I am anxious with pirated concerns, I begin to sense the wind of his life in me. When I struggle with envious thoughts, harsh judgments, or selfish impatience (don’t get me started on how often this happens), the energy of God happens. Thankfully, it is always operating and producing some kind of a difference.
Look What Eternal Life Does for You
Experiencing the life of the Father and the Son being lived in you brings about:
- Cleansing – As God lives in you, He purifies you. He does housecleaning in the home where He resides.
- Healing – As God lives in you, He mends and rejuvenates your fragmented heart and mind.
- Communion – As God lives in you, He makes possible an intimacy of love and peace in the Trinity.
- Guidance – As God lives in you, He gives you the ability to rely upon His holy will.
- Joy – As God lives in you, His joy becomes your joy.
- Compassion – As God lives in you, He provides the love you need to meet the needs of others, love your enemies, and forgive those who harm you.
- Strength & Wisdom to Struggle Well – As God lives in you, His power and help is made available so you can persevere in any trial and heartache. You are enabled to resist all temptation and corruption of this life.
And a “Biggie”…
- God’s Workings – As God lives in you, He lives grace, mercy, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, self-control, faithfulness, gentleness and goodness. These actions are not entities, products, substances, or “things.” They are activities of God within your soul. For example, grace is God’s activity within your soul. Since only God possesses these in Himself, only He can work them out in your life. He does so by the working of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5.16-24).
I will conclude my reflections on Eternal Life in my next post on “how” to live more fully in God’s life.
How is God’s life in you showing itself? In what ways do you desire His life to me be more of your life? Share your thoughts below.
Dr. K