A Spectacular Calling for 2016
Are you one of the thousands who take this week to review their past year and strategize for the next year? One Bible verse got my attention in 2015 and still holds me captive into 2016. As I share this small but significant piece of my journey with you, I invite you to consider what God may be saying to you in this verse for this coming year.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]You are called to a relationship with God that goes deeper than anything you can imagine. And the great part is that it is God who makes it possible. All you have to do is join in. The verse is 1 Corinthians 1.9. It reads:
God is faithful, who has called you into the communion of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
In one short sentence, you are given the source and object of your Christian faith and living. And, a spectacular calling!
A Closer Look
“God is faithful” – God is a Mystery. However, you know He is faithful from scripture and from experience. He will do what He says He will do. So, if He is faithful in granting you communion with Himself, it will happen. However, He does not force it on you. You must cooperate.
“called” – In the context of God’s faithfulness, you are in a position to commune with the Trinity.
“communion” – This is the familiar word, koinonia. It can also be translated “fellowship” and “participation.” Have you thought about the reality that each member of the Trinity perfectly communes with each another? They are always in communion with one another. They fully participate in one another. You experience communion as you commune with those in perfect communion – the Father, Son, and Spirit.
“of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ” – Note carefully that your calling is not so much to commune WITH His Son as it is to commune in the communion His Son has and enjoys. In other words, you can commune with those with whom Jesus communes – the Father and the Spirit. They are already in communion with one another. You have the grand privilege of joining them as you commune with Jesus Christ.
A New Year’s Resolution?
Can you make that a New Year’s resolution? “I devote 2016 to learning to commune in the communion Jesus has and enjoys.” Or, “I seek to commune with God in everyday life, 24/7.” That’s the invitation presented to you by God’s faithfulness.
Join me in dedicating 2016 to the pursuit of a life of everyday communion with God.
Share below if this “calling” resonates with you. How might you pursue this calling? What issues must you face to begin living out this calling?
Dr. K