Challenging The Notion That More Information Makes You A Better Christian

Derek Sivers is an entrepreneur who created CD Baby, an online “store” with $100 million in sales for 150,000 musicians. In 2008 he sold CD Baby for $22 million, giving most of the money to a charitable trust for music education. He’s published 33 books and is a frequent speaker at TED conferences. I don’t know his “religious” orientation, but for my purposes today, that doesn’t matter. Having briefly acquainted myself with his young life (he’s only 49 years old), I’m impressed by his ability to get things done. It’s obvious he’s a book guy – loves to read, comment on what he’s read, and recommend books to others.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]So, it might be surprising when he drops this wisdom bomb:
If [more] information was the answer, then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.
One of the great frustrations with what I do, is running into person after person who talks, thinks, or writes about ideas, theories, and information but fails to live it. That’s true for about every sermon you’ve ever heard.
Most evangelicals are convinced that what they need is more information. They believe that if they have enough information, they will become saints. Not so!
What did St. James write: “Be doers of the word, not hearers only.” He goes on to explain that when you hear the word your tendency is to be satisfied with that alone. You see who you really are then forget it. James says you are deceiving yourself. You are only blessed by doing not by forgetful hearing.
Church leaders are the worst offenders. They study and teach the Bible regularly. Yet don’t take the time nor tools to actually live what they’re teaching.
So, this cycle of deceit is lived out week after week – giving more information but little on how to grapple with it.
Bible studies have the same affect. More and more information. Little or no change.
You have enough information.
I just read Colossians chapters 3 and 4:1-6. There is enough there to keep you occupied for the rest of your life. You don’t need more information. You need to figure out how to put these exhortations into practice.
Apply this to the Sermon on the Mount, Ephesians 5, 6 or Philippians 2.
If more information was the answer, we’d all be living sinless lives with fully enlightened minds.
As a Christian, it’s not what you know [intellectually], it’s what you do consistently that matters to God and others.
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Dr. K