Do You Really Possess Eternal Life?

As a young boy, I “came to Christ” after a time of feeling guilty about my sin. I was told that I had received eternal life and was now going to heaven. I’m discovering that what I was told wasn’t the half of it.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]“I Want More of God”
You desire to know God and love him more. Yet, what you’ve tried has left you frustrated and empty, still longing for more. You may have even said something like, “I want more of God.” I believe your spiritual deficiency lies at a very basic level. You hear a lot of talk about eternal life but have rarely paused to give it much thought. Like me, you hardly know the half of it.
Simply put, eternal life is not a “thing” you possess but a life you live.
That statement of itself is enough to stop you in your tracks. Over the next few posts, I want you to examine your understanding and experience of eternal life. I am not asking you to question your “salvation” but to focus your attention on these two words and what they mean.
Two Basic Realities
To get started, here are two realities for you to meditate upon today:
- The Triune God is the Source of all life. Everything exists because God exists. He IS life and gives life to everything – all humans, creatures, matter; the visible and invisible. He is the only self-existing One. There is only one source of life. The Triune God is that source.
- The Triune God is the only Eternal One. He has no beginning. He has no end. Only he knows the fullness of what eternity is. We think eternity has something to do with time. God actually knows otherwise.
So, as you come to know what eternal life is, you come to know God. And, as you begin to know God, you begin to experience eternal life. Does this sound familiar?
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17.3
Meditate on these realities.
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Dr. K