Encouraging You To Prioritize Your #1 Relationship

As a 16-year-old boy, God invited me into a deeper relationship with Him. At that time in my life, I was living in Jamaica with time on my hands to read, pray, and spend time with God. I would often meet with God in solitude on our veranda with a gorgeous view of the Caribbean Ocean. In those times God seemed near. I was often reminded of and broken by my youthful sins. God seemed alive in me drawing me to Himself. Those experiences marked my life to this day. I still love being in solitude with God, surrounded by beauty, praying, reading, and sensing a united nearness with God. My struggle is in learning to live in this united nearness in everyday life.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]I don’t think I’m unique. I was in conversation with a friend last week who talked of being drawn to God as a 15-year-old. He continues to pursue God with his whole heart even into his 50’s. I wonder how many others had similar experiences in their youth. Did you?
Yet, over a lifetime, it is easy to get sidetracked and distracted from your all-significant relationship with God. Have you let other relationships overshadow your relationship with God? Like your relationship to your:
- Spouse?
- Employer?
- Family?
- Church?
- Friends?
- Business?
- Hobbies?
Jesus teaches you that your most important relationship is with Him. He even invites you to choose Him above your father, mother and children – your closest earthly relationships. Simple indicators are your time and money. To what relationships does your time and money go?
How are you giving yourself to your relationship with God compared to all other relationships? Is He your #1 relationship?
Share your thoughts below on the struggles and experiences of your relationship with God.
Dr. K