Finding Motivation To Live A Real-Life, Simple Faith
40 years ago I “met” Enoch. Today, I was reintroduced. It brought laughter to my mouth and tears to my eyes. I didn’t know it then but I know it now…I desperately want to be Enoch. Enoch personifies in concrete and simple terms what it means to know God. To seek God in a real-life, simple faith-relationship is what life is about. There’s an insatiable hunger to see God alive in the nitty-gritty stuff of life. Screw mysticism. Forget tingly feelings. God talk be damned. “Blah… blah…blah…God…blah…blah…Jesus…blah…Bible…blah…blah…theology…blah…blah…blah.” You want to experience a real God who acts in real life helping you deal with real issues.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Become a friend of Enoch. His life with God was real simple.
From Genesis 5, we know this about Enoch –
1. He walked with God and pleased Him – Enoch gives us an example of one who lived in simple communion with God. Amazingly, he had no Bible, no “on-fire” church, no “correct” doctrinal statement, no vibrant small group, no clever slogans, no relevant books, no praise music, and no formal theological education. Yet, he communed with God in everyday life – even in the midst of having lots of children while making a living somehow. In this, he and God walked together.
2. He lived 365 years – Is “365” significant? Since this is the number of days in a year, are we being taught that a day-by-day, 365 days a year relationship with God can be lived?
3. He had many children – He was the great-grandfather of righteous Noah. In Genesis 5, Enoch is listed as the seventh generation from Adam. He stands out from the rest due to his walk with God and translation from this earth without dying. That kind of life had to be a huge influence on Methuselah, then Lamech, then Noah.
4. He was taken by God – He did not die. Can you imagine? He was out in the work shop tinkering with some projects. Then he disappeared, never to be seen again. No one could find him. “God took him.” What kind of intimate relationship would there have to be for God Himself to easily escort Enoch from this earth? I can imagine him taking one terrestrial step towards his work bench and the next onto the heavenly stratosphere of eternity. Only his location changed. All else remained the same.
From Hebrews 11.5 you learn of Enoch’s faith. As an example of faith, he knew two simple realities:
1. God exists. This was not just an intellectual idea he had about God. There was no way to know God like that in his time. There were no philosophical or scientific arguments for the existence of God he could read about. He knew God existed because he was experiencing the reality of God in his everyday life. God’s existence was not a theory or concept. He knew God as he experienced the birth of his children, as he lived in nature, as he saw the sun rise and set, as he ate with his family, as he interacted with people or as he quietly observed the stars.
Truth is, this is how you and I know God exists, as well. Conventionally, modern Christianity wants you to primarily find God through books and arguments that appeal to your intellect. But, classical Christianity teaches that God is known experientially. It’s always been this way.
2. God rewards those who seek Him. Enoch’s reward was that he had the pleasure of God’s company 24/7. Is there any greater reward? He was also rewarded by not succumbing to death. We are not sure where he was “taken” but we know he did not die. Fascinating.
Enoch’s example is motivation to seek God with all you have. The potential for great reward is there. Do you hold back?
Faith means seeking God whom you cannot see physically (though Jesus shows God) though you know He exists.
Your reward could be summarized as:
1. Communion with God on earth
2. Communion with God without the fear of death
3. Communion with God for eternity
How are you seeking God in simple faith? How does the reward of “walking with God” affect you? Share your thoughts below.
Dr. K