Fascinating 2015 Survey Findings and “Get-Away” Package Winner
Thank you to all who completed The UnCommon Journey 2015 reader survey. Your thoughts and input will mark the direction and content of The UnCommon Journey for months to come. I want to write content that speaks to your challenges. You have helped clarify what those challenges are.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]I began my short blogging journey thinking I’d share with you what God has been (and is) teaching me about life in God and God’s life in me. However, I’ve come to realize that your needs are what matter. Unless I address the needs of your own heart my thoughts mean little. So, though I am sharing from the perspective of my own journey, my goal for sharing is to meet your spiritual needs and help you draw nearer to God in the process.
Here are some findings from the survey:
75% of readers are between ages 45-64. Interestingly, this age group has a hunger for spiritual things that, I believe, comes from decades of unfulfilled desires. They have experienced the struggles of the Christian life and are now ready to discover fresh insights in their relationship with God. Welcome to The UnCommon Journey.
70% of respondents see their relationship with God in favorable terms. The UnCommon Journey is banking on that. The UnCommon Journey is also here to help the 30% who struggle in their relationship with God. All readers seem to know that God is the answer.
68% said that one of their greatest spiritual challenges is how to manage their time in order to know God better. Fantastic!! Now we’re getting to some real issues. This is tied to the next few challenges – living out Jesus’ teachings in everyday life, dealing with relational and personal issues, and staying motivated to maintain a healthy relationship with God. You’ll see these themes addressed in future posts.
95% of respondents attend church every week. Yet, only 50% find church “very helpful” for their spiritual development. 45% find it moderately or slightly helpful. This is cause for further consideration.
Other findings will be included in a future post.
Drum roll please….Liz Hayden is the winner of the “get-away” package. Liz resides in the Tampa, Florida with her husband, Steve. I talked with her yesterday and “made her day.” Steve’s parents live in a Nashville suburb. So, they’re talking about a trip to see them including time with us. It’s marvelous how these things work out. I wish all of you could have been chosen. Yet, as Chicago Cubs fans say (and all non-Royals fans), “There’s always next year.”
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To all who filled out the survey. You have truly helped me and The UnCommon Journey readers.
Dr. K