Hello Stupid Christian!

Keith KettenringChristian Living, The Uncommon Journey

It’s hard to believe how stupid some Christians are. Oh, I won’t tell you that you’re stupid. I’ll just think you are, wonder how you can be so blind, and pray that someday you’ll realize how wrong you are and how right I am.

“Stupid” – having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense; showing poor judgment or little intelligence; characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness. Synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, obtuse, imbecile. 

Yep! That’s what I’m talking about. Christians (and non-Christians) who don’t believe what I believe are like that. I know. It’s hard to believe they can’t see the truth like I can. Satan’s got their minds blinded for sure. People want their ears tickled. It’s the last days when people depart from the truth. It’s sad how ignorant people can be.

Stupid Christians believe you can lose what’s called salvation while other stupid Christians believe you can’t lose what’s called salvation no matter what you do.

Stupid Christians believe God elects some people for hell while other stupid Christians don’t believe there is a hell.

Stupid Christians believe Jesus died for only a select group of people while other stupid Christians believe Jesus died for everyone.

Stupid Christians believe creation took place in six literal days while other stupid Christians believe it took millions of years.

Stupid Christians believe you get to heaven based only on what you believe while other stupid Christians believe you get to heaven based on what you believe and do.

Stupid Christians believe you have to go through 5 steps to get “saved” while other stupid Christians believe you get “saved” by doing nothing.

Stupid Christians believe Christians are forbidden by God to drink wine while other stupid Christians drink wine every Sunday in the Lord’s Supper.

Stupid Christians believe God talks through dreams while other stupid Christians believe God only talks through the Bible.

Stupid Christians believe you must keep the OT law and worship on Saturday while other stupid Christians believe the OT law is done away with and Sunday is the only day for worship.

Stupid Christians baptize infants while other stupid Christians only baptize people who use the right words to describe their faith.

Stupid Christians buy Joel O’Steen’s books while other stupid Christians buy John MacArthur’s books.

Stupid Christians voted for Trump while other stupid Christians are Democrats.

Stupid Christians love contemporary Christian music while other stupid Christians hate it.

Stupid Christians venerate Mary while other stupid Christians venerate John Calvin.

Stupid Christians send their kids to Wheaton while other stupid Christians send their kids to Bob Jones University.

Stupid Christians sin by going to movies while other stupid Christians don’t own a TV.

Stupid Christians know God in their hearts while other stupid Christians only know about God in their thoughts.

Stupid Christians are too emotional while other stupid Christians are too intellectual.

Stupid Christians believe you must be baptized while other stupid Christians believe you must be moral.

Stupid Christians smoke cigarettes, cigars, and pipes while other stupid Christians are legalistic and judgmental.

If you don’t agree with me you’re stupid. If I don’t agree with you, I’m stupid.

Conclusion: To somebody, I’m stupid. I’ll wear the badge proudly.
