How to Become a True Theologian With One Practice

The purpose of prayer is to know God. It is not primarily to get things from God or to talk to God. Prayer is communion with God in such a way that two hearts unite as one. This is how you get to know God. The Desert Father, St. Evagrius of Ponticus (c. 345-399) wrote: “If you are a theologian, you will truly pray, and if you truly pray, you will be a theologian.” (On Prayer, #61)
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Perhaps you have been made to feel guilty because you don’t know enough “theology.” You’ve been told that a good Christian will know certain facts about God. Study this theology. Read this book. Take this course. Attend this conference.
Become a Calvinist. Study Anglicanism. Get to know Wesley. Read Grudem. Learn Greek. Memorize verses. Check out Chan, Stanley, Platt, Piper, and Keller.
Better yet – ditch all that and devote yourself to prayer!
Don’t neglect the one thing that will actually benefit your heart’s knowledge of God – prayer.
Silent prayer.
Sitting at Jesus’ feet.
Being still.
Entering your closet with God alone.
Attending to God.
Loving God with your heart and soul.
Participating in God’s life.
Pray like this and you’ll become a true theologian.
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Dr. K
P.S. If you devote yourself to prayer, it is good to have a companion who walks with you. This kind of prayer journey can be dangerous, painful, lonely, and yet glorious and satisfying. Find a seasoned prayer companion who will support you.