How To Begin To Deal With Judgmentalism

After Saturday’s experience at the mall, Boyd is feeling a tinge of remorse about his judgmental attitude. “I can hardly feel good about myself and still call myself a Christian,” he thought. “I’ll try to do better next time.” Four days later, having committed to reading through the New Testament in 2017, he picks up his Bible and starts reading the verses scheduled for the day, Matthew 7.1-5. As he settles into the passage, he finds himself struggling to see the words as tears unexpectedly stream from his just now, freshly broken heart.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? …You hypocrite!
The tears turn into sobbing; torrential brokenness of contrition and grief. Right now, no more rationalizing. In this sacred moment, no blindness. The log of his own judgmentalism weighing heavy on his shoulders producing overwhelming sadness, shame, and anguish of heart. Never has he felt such conviction. It crushes him.
“This log is so heavy Lord. I’ve carried it for years. I’m tired of battering people with it, causing such damage – my sweet wife…my poor children…my good friends…my lost neighbors. Oh God! Take it from me. I don’t have the strength. I’ve been weakened by its cruel power. Lord, help me!”
In repentance he cries out, “God forgive me. Lord, have mercy.” Over and over. “God forgive me. Lord, have mercy,” until his heart settles into quietness.
He sits in silence gripped by peaceful remorse hoping not to waste the ambience of this cleansing and healing moment. For a few minutes he simply rests. “What has happened?”
Yet, he needs to eat breakfast and go to work. So, he purposely wipes away the tears and slowly moves forward secretly knowing he has experienced something significant.
For Boyd, this is just the beginning of figuring out how to experience a non-judgmental life. This is too important to forget.
God has made that perfectly clear.
Have you ever felt bad about how you judge others? Have you had a Boyd-like experience of repentance? Maybe many times? I realize those are sacred moments. Recall them to your heart. You don’t have to share anything with us today.
Dr. K