How To Pray More Simply & Effectively
People are often surprised when I invite them to only pray for God’s mercy in most situations. They want to get into the details about how their prayer should be answered. They believe it is a more truer faith if they spell out to God what He should do for them. However, if they really knew God and His mercy they could entrust all their concerns to Him and let Him deal with the details. If God acts in mercy on the people and things that they’re praying about, then all is well. Confidence in God’s mercy comes when you understand it both intellectually and experientially.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]What is mercy?
God is Mercy. Mercy is intrinsic to the nature of God. Each member of the Trinity lives in and radiates mercy. It is a word describing God’s basic disposition of love towards others. In other words, His actions are only for our benefit, for our good. His perpetual and inexhaustible mercy is not theory. It is not even a principle to guide our beliefs and conduct. Mercy is what God is and how He acts.
So, when you ask for God’s mercy,
- you ask Him to be who He is
- you ask Him to act according to His nature
- you ask Him to do His will (which is your will also)
- you ask Him to demonstrate His beneficial love for whomever or whatever you’re praying for
- you ask Him to control the outcome of your prayer since you know the outcome will always be according to His mercy
I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Mercy!
Many people do not pray for mercy because:
- they like to be in control…even in their prayer requests. They are used to telling God how He should do what they ask.
- they do not realize how utterly broken they are. They cannot fix themselves by themselves. Yet, they keep trying.
- they lack an ongoing experience of mercy. They may understand mercy as the solution for their sins but good for little else. They don’t see mercy as a moment-by-moment elixir for everything in their life.
Mercy for Everything & Anything
Are you sick? Ask for God’s mercy.
Are you anxious, fearful, confused, stuck, uncertain, lonely, happy, content, wavering in your faith, broken, repentant, ignorant, or clueless? Ask for God’s mercy.
There is not a situation where God’s mercy can’t reach.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life… (Psalm 23.6)
I will continue to write about God’s mercy in the next few posts.
In the meantime, in every life situation you face today, ask for God’s mercy.
Share your thoughts below.
Dr. K