Learning From Jesus That Prayer Is Relating With The Trinity
I want to attempt to connect some dots that will help summarize the last few posts on prayer. Dot 1, Prayer. Dot 2, Communion. Dot 3, The Trinity. Prayer is a relational love activity allowing entry into the fellowship of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Communion is “co” – with (co-captain, co-conspirator) + “union” – onenness = being in oneness with those who are one. In reality, there is only One who is perfectly one, in the union of Three. By prayer, in communion, you are united with the Three.
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Called Into Jesus’ Union With The Father
Every Christian is called into this already existing communion of the Father and the Son. St. Paul illuminates this reality when he writes: “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the communion (fellowship, partnership) of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1.9). With whom is the Son in perfect communion, partnership, or fellowship? The Father and Spirit, of course. You are called into this same communion.
Now, let me expand the first dot with the prayer Jesus gave His disciples. If prayer primarily exists as a means of “co-unioning” with the Trinity, then the prayer Jesus gave his disciples must be a primary way for them to enter that union.
From the very heart and lips of Jesus come the words that open the door into the inner sanctuary of Jesus’ communal relationship with the Father and the Spirit.
He gives His disciples access into this holy kingdom, this sanctified community, this intimate fellowship by means of this prayer. It’s the key that unlocks the door of paradise.
They’re not magical words. They’re majestic words. It’s not a formulaic incantation. It’s a deific liturgy.
Elevate Prayer To It’s Proper Place
I conclude these posts on learning to pray as Jesus taught His disciples by saying:
Prayer is best learned in relationship with the Trinity.
True prayer is basically being in dynamic relationship with God. It is relational in nature. So relational, in fact, that some scripture writers refer to it as a communal partnership. So then, the best gauge of your relationship with God is your prayer life. In prayer your heart opens to the heart of the Trinity and the relationship deepens in love.
Prayer is not something you make up; it is something you enter into.
In teaching His disciples to pray, Jesus invites you to enter the ever-flowing communion of the Trinity. He has even given you the uniquely uncommon words of the “Lord’s Prayer” to enter into their fellowship. Pray these words as a means of communing with the Trinity until you learn what it is to know God in prayer.
How well are you grasping the significance of this prayer for your life? In what situations will you pray the prayer Jesus gave his disciples? Share below.
Dr. K