Neither Presidents Nor Protests Will Save Us
“My kingdom is not of this world…but now my kingdom is not of this realm,” Jesus explained to Pilate. I’m not sure all that Jesus meant by this statement. He may be at least saying that His kingdom does not come about by force, violence, or even vote. It is something “otherworldly.”
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]C’mon, let’s admit it. We’re messed up. We can’t see straight. So-called Christians latch on to ideas and personalities they believe will save them. They give their time, energies, and often money to political agendas and people who cannot save. Spend some time on Facebook these days and you’ll feel the dramatic cross-purposes left and right. We’re fragmented by sincere people blinded in the darkness of their self-constructed, vacuous spheres.
When you get your eyes off Jesus you see so much less. Rights become paramount. Success is idolized. Winning takes precedence. Politics dominate. The kingdom is displaced.
When blind Bartamaeus cries out to the Son of David for mercy, Jesus asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” It’s an astonishing question. Doesn’t Jesus know already? Yet, Jesus does not push His agenda onto Bartamaeus. He invites him to enter into His work. “That I might receive my sight,” is Bartamaeus’ answer. As he is healed of his physical blindness the real healing of his heart takes place. He begins to follow Jesus. He can see much more clearly now.
It’s in your face-to-face communion with Jesus that you begin to see clearly. You begin to see that apart from Jesus, you are blind. Place your eyes on anyone or anything else and your eyes become tainted. Preoccupation with this world shrouds the True Kingdom in murkiness.
It tears me apart to see Christians so fragmented. I struggled with sleep last night. I awoke this morning burdened by the petulance and bravado from so-called Christians presented on Facebook yesterday. We’re a mess!
Jesus is about unity. First, our union with Him. Second, our union with one another. Allowing lesser agendas to control us is just wrong.
In reality, there is little you and I can do about what’s going on around us. However, you can pray. Here’s a prayer for our political leaders you can pray daily:
Save, O Lord, and have mercy upon all world rulers, on our president (name), on (names), and on all our civil authorities. Speak peace and blessing in their hearts for Your holy Church and for all Your peoples, in order that we may live a calm and peaceful life, in all godliness.
Daily prayer for your governmental leaders – local, state, federal – will go far in unifying hearts in Jesus. By doing so, we’re asking the One Lord to heal our fragmented selves and help us bring healing to others.
Dr. K