Please Pray For Each Person In This Notable Company
It has been a joy, and a bit overwhelming, to pray for those who recently sent me names of people for whom to pray. As I replied to many, it is a great honor and privilege to lift you up along with the people you hold dear. So far, so good – morning and evening your names are mentioned in prayer.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Today, I’d like to ask you to pray for a group of people who are special to me. None of you have met any of them. None of them really know who I am. They reside on the streets and hidden places in my little corner of the world. They ask for a little help to make it one more day. Every time I see one of them, I see Jesus who at one time said, “inasmuch as you do this to one of the least of these My brothers, you do it unto me.” Anymore, I can’t help myself.
I have so little to give. I can’t give them what I don’t have – a shelter, ministry or program to help them. Yet, I can give what I have. I give them attention – eye contact, a smile, a happy gesture – a brief conversation to let them know, in a small way, that someone values them. I ask their name so they’ll know I recognize them as a person. I ask them to pray for me so they’ll realize how needy I am. I give them a little money because that’s what they say they need. And, I tell them I’ll pray for them, another reason to ask for their name. Then, I wait for it…”God bless you,” they often say. What sweet words, more meaningful than any I’ll hear all day.
For 15-60 seconds, I have a conversation with Jesus that helps transform me and, I’d like to think, makes a difference to them. Maybe not. It doesn’t really matter. I’ve just been with Jesus.
I know plenty of reasons NOT to do this. People use the money for drugs, booze, sex. They can make more money begging than I make in a legitimate job. They’re a few crayons short of a box. They’re just con artists. My heart says otherwise. I act on my heart.
Their name then goes into the list on my phone unless it’s already there. Once a week or so, I pull up the list and pray for each person. I am mystified at the way this affects me. There is often tears. There is a sense of my own poverty and nothingness. A few times the Psalmist admitted, “I am poor and needy.” These dear folks remind me how true that is of me.
Here are the people I’m writing about. Please ask God’s mercy on them. That’s all. That’s enough.
- Brad
- Eric
- Betty
- Joshua
- Samantha
- Bruce
- Lisa
- Tim
- Bill
- Eric
- Kevin
- Kathy
- Isaac
- Chris
- Paul
- Tommy
- Stacy & Lee
- Julius
- Darren
- Christy
- Robert
Thank you for praying.
And…”God bless you!”
Dr. K