Pursuing The Highest Calling: Sainthood

Does your church produce saints? Is there evidence in your life, due to the efforts of your church, that you are becoming like Jesus Christ? Perhaps you’d like to be on an intentional journey of becoming a saint but are being held back by your church’s theology, teaching, or practices. I’d say, go for it anyway.
[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]Pseudo-Saint
Some Christians claim they are saints because they’ve said the sinner’s prayer, been baptized, or chosen to follow Jesus. There may be legitimacy to this since Christians are set apart to God in love and holiness. But, does that mean these Christians actually live as saints? This is more theory than reality. If I believe I’m a saint, then I’m a saint. If I believe the Bible calls me a saint, then I’m a saint. I’m a saint “positionally.” But, if I am honest with myself, I’m not a saint in reality.
I’m a saint. But, I’m not a saint, saint.
And you’ve seen some of these kinds of “saints” in action, right? OMG!! See ya! Don’t want to be ya! Self-righteous, anti-so much, proud, unloving, and inconsistent. (I know one because I am one.) That kind of person is certainly not a saint.
People may think they are saints but that’s just proof they are not. A true saint would never claim that for himself or herself.
Additionally, saints are usually not recognized until they pass from this world.
So what we’re left with are the rare people who are on a journey to becoming a saint. That’s my point. Does your church have any theology, methodology, strategy, and examples to help these people actually become (like) Jesus Christ on earth?
Genuine Saint
Let’s consider what a saint might look like. A real, down-to-earth saint is someone who:
- is in constant prayer quietly communing with God
- battles their inner passions through daily ascetic efforts
- lives in constant repentance with a deepening acknowledgment of their own sins
- knows the Trinity in stillness of heart and mind
- is actually dead to self and alive in Christ
- loves every person they know without judgment or control
- experiences God in creation and in every person they meet
- is truly humble not claiming spiritual superiority or saintliness upon themselves
- knows and actually lives the scriptures
- lives in peace and contentment
- perseveres in pain and hardship with joy, gentleness and kindness (suffers joyfully)
- is generous and gracious with their resources
- is able to impact other’s lives at a miraculous level
- carries holiness lightly
- possesses godly wisdom that draws the seeker and repels the proud
- and above all, lives in union with Jesus Christ.
Do you desire to be like that? Is this the kind of person your church produces? If so, thanks be to God! If not, why not? What can you do about it? Why don’t you start by becoming the kind of person you think your church should produce?
Give that question some thought and action.
Share your thoughts below.
Dr. K