Reflections on An UnCommon Journey in Arizona

Keith KettenringChristian Living, The Uncommon Journey

It’s really encouraging to hear how The UnCommon Journey is affecting lives. I write about our life in God which transforms us from the inside-out. I write whether anyone reads the posts or not. But when you read and engage it matters to you and others. Thank you!!

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Recently I had a conversation with a good friend who told me this story. I asked him to write it down and send it to me to be shared with you all.

Just a quick note to let you know about an experience this past March while visiting Arizona. My wife and I along with two other close friends were enjoying hiking a few of the many areas around Tucson. One beautiful sunny morning, we set out to Sabino Canyon for a 7 mile walk. About halfway through the hike, high on the trail ridge we stopped to rest and take in the beauty of God’s creation.

Sabino Canyon

Sabino Canyon, Arizona

We were captivated by the stillness – no sound, just a pervasive quiet for miles around that filled our souls. I don’t know why but I reached in my pocket for my smartphone. Curious, I checked for a signal. Surprise! I had a weak connection.

I went to my mail and a new “UnCommon Journey” post popped up. I said to our little group, “Do you mind a quick devotional this morning?” They agreed. So there, in the stillness of the morning, perched high on a ridge looking out across the canyon we experienced thoughts on “Spiritual Fitness” from the March 3rd blog post.

We all were thankful for your simple exhortation to worship and experience our God. It was a very special time, a moment that will certainly be remembered. So, thanks for your ministry in helping us grow closer to God. 

I smile every time I think about it.

Thanks, Joe, for sharing your thoughts with us.

Perhaps you’ve had an experience of reading an UnCommon Journey post that affected you in a special way. We all would love to hear your story. 

I invite you to write out your story and send to me. I’ll share these periodically on The UnCommon Journey blog.

Send your story to [email protected].


Dr. K.